Elite Bioscience Product User Manual

What’s Required:

  • Rubbing alcohol or alcohol pads provided at all pharmacy outlets.
  • Insulin Needle Tip 32G (Gauge) x 4mm (Length) (see images below) for the BioTropin® product available at all pharmacies world-wide.
  • 18G (gauge) needle (1 1/4 Length) combined with a 3ml plunger (see images below) for drawing the BioPrimo® into the plastic plunger. Available all pharmacies world-wide.
  • 30G (gauge) needle x 13mm (Length) Tip (only) for the final injection of BioPrimo® into the glute area (see image below). Available all pharmacies world-wide.

BioTropin® HGH User Guide

Identification (Product ID):
The Elite Bioscience product BioTropin® HGH product comes in the BioTropin® box and is labelled as such. It contains a BioPen which is used to apply the medication into the body along with 1 or more vials which are identified as a glass tube with a white powder in one section and a liquid solution in the other vial.
Type of Injection:
For the Human Growth Hormone injection the application is called a Subcutaneous Injection. This means; under the skin. So the needle is very small and may feel as though it is too small to insert the medication properly, but do not worry, this very small pin is all that is required for the medication to take effect. The Subcutaneous skin tissue is the deepest layer of the skin and mostly made up of fat cells. Majority of body fat is stored in this layer to protect internal organs and muscles from shock and temperature changes.
Extra Tools Required by you:

The only tool that cannot be included in your package which must be purchased from any pharmacy - is the needles to apply the product into the body. Luckily, these needles are very small so the application is painless and simple.

All pharmacies carry screw on needles that connect with Insulin Pens and this is the exact needle tip that is used to administer the BioTropin® HGH. Enter any Pharmacy world-wide and ask for a pack of Insulin Tip needles at the size of 32G (Gauge) x 4mm (Length). The length can also be 5mm or 6mm. But 4mm is the perfect length for every human no matter how high or low the body fat % is.

Dosage Application Sites (on the body):
As mentioned in the Quick Start Guide the best area for injection is the abdomen. Dial your dosage via the pens end and read the IU measurement in the window. The location for injection is either left or right of the naval around 3 fingers down. Pinch the skin and insert the needle tip into the body fat area. Very slowly depress the end of the pen until it returns back to base. Leave the needle in the skin for an extra 20 seconds before removing. There will always be 1 drop that remains and this is unavoidable and only equal to 1/100 of an IU so it is completely fine. You are not wasting the product.
Dosage Recommendations and Timings:
BioTropin® HGH needs to be taken on an empty stomach and is best dosed between 20 - 40 minutes before food. An intake of starchy carbohydrates like potatoes, sweet potato, jasmin rice, sourdough bread should be included in this meal as HGH allows for the starchy carbohydrates to be driven up into muscle. If you take this product and do not eat for hours afterwards you may feel weak or faint because it drops insulin levels low in the body, which is part of its fat burning effect. If taking more than 2IU/Daily you can split the dosages into am and pm. Just ensure this is done before eating on an empty stomach and then the starchy carbohydrates are eaten 20 - 40 minutes after dosage. Just ensure there is at least 9 hours gap between the doses to get the absolute best results in each dosage. The pen and vial are to be kept in the refrigerator. Unmixed the vials will store for up to 2 years in the refrigerator. Once mixed however you have 2 months maximum to use the product before the delicate molecules begin to loose their strength and deteriorate.

BioPrimo® (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) User Guide

Identification (Product ID):
The product selected for Testosterone Replacement Therapy in EBS is BioPrimo®. This is identified by the 10ml glass vial with an oil looking substance inside. 1 bottle will last between 5-10 weeks depending if you are Male (5 weeks) or Female (up to 10 weeks) and what your objective is. You will require 2 x needle types to dose this product. 1 needle will be used to draw out the product into a syringe plunger (the body of the entire needle) and another smaller needle will be used to inject the product into the glute (a needle tip placed on after drawing the liquid up).
Extra Tools Required by you:
  • 18G (gauge) needle (1 1/4 Length) combined with a 3ml plunger (see images below) for drawing the BioPrimo® into the plastic plunger.
  • 30G (gauge) needle x 13mm (Length) Tip (only). After you have drawn up your dosage into the first syringe place the 30G needle tip into the plastic plunger.
Dosage Application Sites (on the body):

Draw up air by pulling the plunger to the 1ml mark regardless of your dosage. This creates a vacuum for the oil to easily be transported into the plunger. Place the 18G needle into the rubber stopper in the BioPrimo® vial and turn the vial upside down. Push the 1ml of air into the vial and draw up your dosage into the needle. Next take off the 18G needle tip and apply the 30G needle tip to the plunger. Apply medical alcohol to the injection site. Place the 30G needle into the glue area and very slowly depress the plastic plunger until all the liquid is moved into the glute muscle. Slowly take the needle out of the glue and discard. You have now completed your dosage application.

Dosage Recommendations and Timings:
Take 0.5ml or 1ml of BioPrimo every Monday and Thursday. You can begin with either dosage or adjust at any time. However no more than 2ml/week is recommended unless you are a professional physique competitor in which case you will need to chat to our Doctor via WhatsApp on the ancillary supplements required in order to offset any hormonal imbalance. For the purposes of enhanced body composition, anti-aging and rejuvenation the dosage of 0.5ml up to 1ml every Monday and Thursday for up to 12 weeks before taking a 3-4 week break is recommended.
Lifestyle Recommendations:
Please subscribe the the Elite Bioscience® email newsletter here to receive informative Lifestyle Recommendations in conjunction with the utilisation of the Elite Bioscience products. The topics we cover in these Emails and website Blogs will include the following information for you to get the best results in conjunction with our effective products:

  • Nutrition (Plant Based Nutrition and Non Plant Based Nutrition (animal sourced proteins)
  • Training Protocols (Muscle Building, Athletic Performance and Fat Loss)
  • Lifestyle Protocols The lifestyle hacks you can actively apply to your lifestyle to enhance your results, be more calm and focused, sleep better and recover better.

Online Links for Syringes, Needle Tips and Alcohol Pads